What does it mean to have “freedom in Christ”?
I think I finally understand the weight of having freedom in Christ.
I think when you grow up in the church, or you’re just hearing about all the things you have to give up to be a Christian, it sounds too strict. It sounds like God is trying to control you and strip you of your individuality, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s sad that a lot of the pain we experience, we think is just a normal part of the human experience—but humanity was never meant to be in this much pain or so chaotic.
You’re not supposed to be unable to control your sexual urges, you’re not supposed to have anger issues, you’re not supposed to feel like the only joy in life is binge-watching your favorite show, you’re not supposed to be addicted to scrolling on social media, you’re not supposed to feel like you don’t have any purpose in your life, or you’re not supposed to be attracting the same abusive, narcissistic romantic partners in every relationship.
Obviously, you know you shouldn’t have any of these things, but we can’t just shrug off these conditions.
Because these are all signs of being in bondage. These are all signs that we as humans, are not as in control of our lives as we think. And so what Jesus offers is the ability to break free from the pain and the dissatisfaction that these things bring.
John 10:10 says that the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. The devil comes to steal your joy, to destroy your destiny by distracting and confusing you so that you don’t know who you are and the power you’re meant to have as a human being on this Earth.
But that verse goes on to say that God, Jesus, comes so that you may have life and have it to the full because, according to Luke 4:18, He came to proclaim freedom to prisoners and set the captives free.
When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, AND you follow his commands by ditching all of these things that are making your life harder than it needs to be, you gain freedom, you gain peace—true peace and freedom that no one can take away from you.
You don’t have to be addicted to things that are hurting you or distracting you; you don’t have to be filled with anger, bitterness, or unforgiveness. You don’t have to feel the pain and heartache from people who have harmed you in the past. You don’t have to feel lost or purposeless in this life because Jesus will reveal to you who you were always meant to be.
So, what are you to do?
Get into your word, listen to God, follow his guidance, and ditch the sin. Of course, I know it’s not as simple as it sounds to just do these things, but if you start by making the effort, God will always meet you where you are.