Your heart is a reflection of your salvation.
We constantly hear that we're not saved by works but by grace, but what role does your heart condition play in your salvation?
Be careful when asking the Holy Spirit for confirmation
It’s essential to build up your Godly discernment when asking the Holy Spirit for confirmation. Here’s why.
Don’t forget about the “silent” sins
Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, and offense are all sins that often go unaddressed. Here's why that's bad.
Why is discernment important as a Christian?
As Christians, it’s so crucial for us to be careful of cosigning anyone who simply claims to believe in God. Here’s why.
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
Homosexuality is a heated topic in the Christian faith. But why would God have an issue with it?
What does it mean to have “freedom in Christ”?
Sometimes following the commands that God gives us can seem like a lot to live by—but His guidance only brings us freedom. Here’s why.
Does God really love us all?
When you hear the words “God loves you”, what does that mean to you?